Friday, March 14, 2008

Common Man's Prez

Andrew Jackson is the Common Man's President!! He has always been for the common people! His "Kitchen Cabinet" helped the non-elite get a say in government! He gave more land to expand westward! -Common Man


Andrew Jackson said...

Andrew Jackson is definetly not the common man's president. He may have given the comman man a say in the government during the kitchen cabinet, but everyone will have the same views because they are his closest friends. Jackson also fought against the Supreme Court and used a military force against his people. Jackson vetoed way too many projects.


Alice Costa said...

Andrew Jackson's "kitchen cabinet" did not help anything. By him picking his own cabinet, being his "buddies" that couldn't have helped the country at all. These people don't know what they are doing and should have never been chosen to be in the cabinet. Jackson did not make good ideas with this chosen cabinet! -ac

Topper said...

Andrew Jackson is not even close to being the common man's president. His kitchen cabinet didn't do anything for the people. All it was, was a bunch of his friends just agreeing with w/e he said. He thought that by having common people in a separate cabinet would make him more of a common man's president, but he was WRONG!! - MT